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Astrocalc Released - Bugfix


This is a quick release to fix some annoying bug found in the previous release.

You can download the installation file from the Download page.




  • The "+" button Chart Manager and New Chart dialog to add a new group didn't work. Fixed
  • On display of Daily or Monthly Transits an Error occurs and program crashes. Fixed
  • Search in Help causes an Error, if a hit is found and crashed the program. Fixed

KNOWN ISSUES (as of 2020/02/03):

  • Import of charts other than Astrocalc format doesn't work, e.g. Quick Charts
  • Pluto Return, may get stuck in an endless loop.
  • New group created in Chart Manager (CM) only appears on main menu screen after a restart.
  • Rename and Delete of group in CM don't work properly.
  • Program crashes if you load or reload (in CM) when the box is empty (ie. no chart there to be loaded re-loaded).
  • Program still crashing on help search

Items with crossed out text indicate the issue has been fixed in the development version.

Daily and monthly transits now working ok.

Chart Manager + button now working ok … but new group only appears on main menu screen after a restart … And program crashes if you load or reload (in Chart Manager) when the box is empty (ie. no chart there to be loaded re-loaded).

Program still crashing on hitting search button (I searched for "choose planets".